Campaigns in Advertising networks (or Ad networks) complement search engine operations perfectly. Displaying the text, image and video ads, Ad networks are an excellent tool for branding and raising the brand awareness among consumers. The settings like remarketing (a way to show ads to users who have previously visited your website as they browse the web) will boost the results of every sales campaign. We can take advantage of different Ad networks, the examples being: Google Display Network, YouTube, Adkontekst, Business Click or Yandex Display.
The range of such campaigns is really wide. There are, however, numerous targeting methods that take into account e.g.: demographics, particular localizations, interest categories, keyword campaigns or certain websites. It is the ideal way to present highly relevant ads and reach the specific audience interested in a given industry. Starting a campaign in the Ad network also allows you to gather cookies and create the lists of users that you might be willing to target again with your tailored offer by way of remarketing.
Just like by campaigns run in search engines, you don’t have to pay for displaying your ad – this is because we use the CPC model (cost per click). Moreover, AdWords system allows you to measure conversions, i.e. certain actions performed by the user after clicking your ad and going on to your website (e.g. purchase, subscription for a newsletter, etc.).